Howdy, strangers! It’s a been awhile since I’ve posted any new content, but I’m pleased to announce the 2025 Monthly Planning Calendar for your downloading pleasure!
Dynamic Updating Org Charts in Visio!
I just found a great video that showcases a new feature where Visio organization charts are automatically built and updated within Excel, using Excel data! [Read more…] about Dynamic Updating Org Charts in Visio!
Visio 2010 Videos Resurface!
The 41 companion videos for my book Using Microsoft Visio 2010 have secured a new lease on life, and are now freely available to all!
Visio 2016 Training Videos
Visio Nerd Videos – For Developers!
If you’re interested in the deeper workings of Visio, then you’ll be interested in a series of videos that I’ve been in remiss in reporting!
Über Rack Unit Dimension Line
Find out how to use this new shape to measure and label individual rack units on network rack diagrams.
2016.05.23 – The full version and free trial are now available! [Read more…] about Über Rack Unit Dimension Line
Visio Minions SmartShape Concept
Today I had the idea to make a Minions Visio SmartShape. I was primarily interested in controlling eye movement using ShapeSheet techniques.
As a responsible adult, I probably don’t (shouldn’t) have the time to finish it properly. But I thought I’d make this video to show off some capabilities and point out general concepts that might help to make useful SmartShapes.
Circles in Circle 1
Time Lapse Circuit Diagram
PhotoShop, Illustrator and SketchBook Pro users have all the fun. They make these cool, time-lapse videos, set to trendy, fast-paced music. I know Visio isn’t as cool as those other apps, but a lot of people still love using it. And they like music too! So I whipped out my trusty Camtasia Studio/Recorder and gave it a shot.