Microsoft has just released a new set of online training videos for Visio 2016. I’ve created detailed outlines of the course material and provided direct links to pages and modules within their website so you can instantly jump to the content you want to digest!
Visio Essentials
Turning Pages in Visio
New Book: Mastering Data Visualization with Microsoft Visio Professional 2016
There’s a new book on data visualization with Visio. And it is probably as good as its title is long!
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Simple Cabling Shape with Length Reporting
If you use Visio to create scaled plan views that include electrical equipment, you may have a need to rough-out actual, to-scale cable paths–and even get accurate estimates as to how much cabling you’ll need. This article explores just how you can go about it!
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How to Show the Developer Ribbon Tab (and Why)
Many of the tips and tricks that I talk about (or want to talk about) on this site require the Developer Ribbon Tab. Find out how to turn it on, and what good it will do you!
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Circles in Circle 1
Visio Handles through the Ages
Microsoft changes the look of Visio’s user interface from time to time. Most of the uproar came for Visio 2010 with the introduction of the dreaded Ribbon.
But Microsoft has also made changes to Visio’s shape-manipulation handles, thereby rendering millions of painstakingly-created screenshots on websites the world over instantly obsolete, and confusing users everywhere.
As a reference point for users using older and newer versions of Visio, and just out of plain curiosity, I’m rehashing the look of Visio shape handles for Visio 2000, 2003, 2007, 2010 and 2013. Have fun!
Creating Custom Bullets in Visio
A customer/fan asked me the other day how to create custom bullets in Visio using a character he’d carefully selected from the Wingdings font. He had dug his way deep into the text editing dialog, and had actually found the right place for customizing bullets, but he couldn’t quite get it to work.
It turns out he was making it just a bit more complicated than it needed to be. When I looked into it, I found that the process was indeed a bit unclear. So let’s walk through creating custom bullets in Visio, and clear up any muddiness that you might encounter along the way.
Using Microsoft Visio 2010 Book is Here!
I got home today and found a mysterious package on my desk.
Since I hadn’t ordered anything recently, I had a hunch what it might be…
Menus to Ribbons: Find Commands in Office 2010!
This phrase has echoed across the globe ever since Microsoft introduced the ribbon user interface and increased our productivity!
But help is on the way.
No, wait! It’s already here!
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