There’s a new arrows-on-circle Visio SmartShape for you to download. It plays nicely with Visio 2013 and newer versions.
Come on in and check it out!
Smart graphics for visual people
Fellow MVP David Parker from just posted a link to a very topical blog post that he made a few years ago.
For years I’ve been toying with the idea of creating a set of shapes for well bore diagrams. Well bore schematic drawings show the important, ahem, bits, of an oil drilling system from up on the surface to way down in the Earth’s crust.
My most recent research on the subject came to an exciting conclusion: there’s nothing for me to do here, because somebody’s already done it!
I’ve been playing around with Visio and music notation, very slowly, for some time now.
Here’s my first offering: a Smart Staff shape that you easily configure with clef and key. You can use it to print out music note paper or illustrate bits of music theory in other documents.
[Read more…] about Easy Music Note Paper with the Smart Staff Shape!
It’s almost here! The 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa!
Time to spruce up your Visio diagrams!
[Read more…] about World Cup 2010 Team Flags Visio Multi-shape
If you like the way you can add comments to Microsoft Excel worksheet cells, or the way you can glue Post-it sticky notes to your monitor’s bezel, then you’ll appreciate this sticky note Visio SmartShape from guest-poster David Edson!
Today’s offering has some pretty neat features, so check out the article which explains how to use the shape, and shows off its unique capabilities!
[Read more…] about Take Note With the Visio Sticky Note Shape
If you’ve read our last article, Visio Multi-shapes, then you know what a great feature multi-shape-ness can be.
However, until you graduate from Visio Geek University (go VGU!), and become proficient with ShapeSheets, those pesky multi-shapes can be quite difficult to build.
So what if user’s could somehow define their own multi-shapes?
That question has burned today’s article into my mind, and today it comes to you via the information super-highway. Ladies and Gentlemen, may I introduce to you the Configurable Stickman, which who can be set to one of five positions.
And YOU can define the positions yourself!
[Read more…] about A Re-programmable Visio Multi-shape: The Configurable Stickman!
A great feature of Visio SmartShapes is multi-shape capability.
With multi-shapes, you can quickly modify how Visio shapes look via the context menu or shape data fields.
This represents not only a time-savings to users creating drawings and diagrams, but also simplifies the design and maintenance of stencil libraries for solution developers.
So yes, multi-shapes are cool, and they are a big part of what makes Visio cool.
If you haven’t yet run into them, read on to get a better idea of what multi-shapes can do for you!
Wapperdude submitted this “mike” shape to Visio Guy, for us to pass on to our readers.
According to WD, the inspiration came as follows: I saw a request for audio symbols in the Visio forum, had this dumb 1998 mike shape, sent it to school and now it’s smarter.
So for you A/V folks out there in Visio Land, here’s a new SmartShape for your diagramming enjoyment!
The easy answer to this questions is: two. A single-shape can have two colors in its fill: a Fill Color and a Pattern Color.
If you want more, you have to group separate, differently-colored shapes together. In fact getting more colors is one of the major reasons that shapes become groups in the first place.
But if two were the actual answer, well, this article would over.
You see, Visio-Guy-friend Saveen Reddy has been up to his usual tricks of pushing Visio beyond the obvious and into the intriguing…
[Read more…] about How Many Fill Colors Can You Put on a Visio Shape?