Recent adventures with HTML, SVG and CSS have led me to create a new Visio SmartShape that will help you to easily define dash patterns for custom line patterns!
[Read more…] about Stroke-Dasharray Shape for Visio Custom Line Patterns
Smart graphics for visual people
Recent adventures with HTML, SVG and CSS have led me to create a new Visio SmartShape that will help you to easily define dash patterns for custom line patterns!
[Read more…] about Stroke-Dasharray Shape for Visio Custom Line Patterns
Recently we were introduced to the Cisco IP Telephone Shapes, and learned how they could be improved in the article: Making Shapes More Efficient: Using Fewer Shapes & Groups.
Today we’re going to focus on what happens when the Cisco shapes get resized, and discuss a technique for making the lineweight proportional to the size of the shape.
[Read more…] about Smart LineWeight: Bigger Shape, Thicker Lines
If you have a need to create repeating graphical elements, then learning how to create custom line patterns in Visio is absolutely essential.
Visio custom line patterns offer a power and flexibility that will save time for both your end-users and your solution development effort. And your final product will have a refined and elegant look.
Recently, John Goldsmith of Visual Signals, UK posted two excellent articles about creating custom line patterns in Visio.
[Read more…] about Release the Power of Visio Custom Line Patterns
If you use Visio for CAD-like purposes, you might need to make revisions or “AS-BUILT” modifications to your drawings from time to time. Often this is shown by drawing a squiggly cloud, or bubble, around the portion of the drawing that has been modified.
I’ve created three shapes for doing this for you to download.