I watched an interesting video about Penrose Patterns on Veritasium’s YouTube page this morning. It inspired me to create this fun Visio diagram!
Beyond Visio
Word Equation to Visio to SVG

I ran across a scenario where I needed to get a Word equation into Visio, and have it export to SVG. This is the story of my investigation.
[Read more…] about Word Equation to Visio to SVGTrumpet Valve Fingerings Visio Shape
A recent foray into learning a new instrument spurred the development of a Visio SmartShape that can be used to annotate trumpet valve fingerings on sheet music.
View Visio Files on Android (and Windows Phone)
If you’ve got an Android or Windows phone, and you receive Visio files via e-mail attachments, there IS a way to view them while you are on the go!
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Visio Viewer for iPad (and iPhone)
iPad Viewer for Visio by Nektony
If you’ve ever been frustrated by trying to open a Visio attachment while browsing e-mails from your iPad on the couch, then you might be interested in this Visio viewer…for the iPad!
AutoCAD 2013 + Visio 2016 + Webcast July 12
Sign up for a webcast about working adjacently with CAD and Visio 2016, and get the lowdown on the new support for AutoCAD 2013 formats.
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Lumia 950 vs. 950XL Comparison Template
If you like Microsoft’s ecosystem of devices and software, then you’ve been waiting for a new
Nokia Lumia handset for a looong time. Well the wait is just about over, and the only questions remaining are: 1. Are they too expensive? and 2. Which one is the right size for me?
We’ll tackle question number 2 today with a handy Visio download!
On the Road with Surface Pro 3
Top 10 Visio Things That Have Nothing To Do With Visio
Ok, this article will really screw up Bing and Google.
Did you know that you can work with Visio all day in the office, and take Visio supplements to keep your tired and bleary eyes from degenerating?
Then you can drive home in your Visiodrive car to your Visio house. After taking the baby for a short walk in his Visio stroller, you can plop down on the couch and watch your Vizio monitor–after you’ve pulled the shades over your Visio Glas windows, of course! If the vitamins didn’t work, you might have to watch the TV with your Visio-assisted artificial vision system!
And if your day was really hard, you can find spiritual solace at the the alter of Visio Dei, or recharge your mind and body with a few sessions at Visio Form!
And you thought it was just diagramming software!
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