Harry Miller, video producer. The guy who filmed: five of the biggest Visio Nerds that ever lived. He’s been busy.
Creating instructional Visio videos. With a 40’s detective theme. Short. Succinct. Cool jazz music. Just the facts M’am. Dragnet. Humphrey Bogart. You get the picture.
Harrison Clarity is the star. I call him H.C. Throaty voice. Gets to the point.
Coincidence? Intentional? Short sentences, terse style. Sounds like Windows software commands.
Yes Ma’am. File. New. Flowchart.
Select shapes. Alt. Shape. Operations. Combine.
I like where H.C. enters the Grid World:
I’d like to go there one day.
Kate the assistant. What a dame!
Never created a space plan? An office layout? Never imported org data for an org-chart? Then watch Episodes 1 and 2. You can do this stuff with Visio.
More videos to come. For sure. YouTube’s Office Online channel: search for ‘Visio’.
Clarity ep. 1: Create an Office Layout diagram using Visio
Clarity ep. 2: Create an Organization chart using Visio
Hope you enjoy the videos!
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