Saveen Reddy got wind of Run Circles Around Your Text With the Circle-text Title SmartShape and took it a step further.
Using his fancy-schmancy, multi-colored gradient approach to Visio graphics, he created a pretty neat (and useful) Visio SmartShape for you to use!
The end result is a gorgeous, continuous progress bar that shows you what page you are on, with attractive, Windows Vista-style colors.
If you haven’t seen Saveen’s work, you really ought to have a look at some of his work. Here are some links to get you started:
- Visio: Expressive Diagrams Demo
- Visio: Transparencies and Soft Shadows
- Visio search on Saveen Reddy’s blog
Anyway, he told me that he read Run Circles Around Your Text With the Circle-text Title SmartShape and got “inspired”. That lead him to create a progress-bar style page counter.
The progress bar page counter shows you how far you are along in a document in a continues fashion–just like a progress bar that you see when you’re waiting for a Windows operation to complete.
It looks like this:
All you have to do is drop it on each foreground page in your document, and the shape will take care of the graphics automatically.
You can download Saveen’s page-count progress bar from his SkyDrive:
Update: Saveen’s cleaned out his OneDrive, but luckily, I have a copy of the file and have updated the link.
Download “Page-count Progress Bar for Visio” s!Aj0wJuswNyXlhXt5uE5BT596VJgm – Downloaded 2823 times – 103.00 BThanks, Saveen!
The download link is broken
Good catch, M.
Saveen seems to have cleaned out his SkyDrive/OneDrive. I’ve uploaded the copy of the file that I had saved and updated the link.