So Steve popped up on MSN Messenger a few months ago and told me he needed a USB stick shape that matched the cool 3D network shapes in Visio 2003.
Of course this was annoying — what am I? The Visio Guy? But then I remembered how he manages to save me big $$$ on my ThinkPads. And since I was chatting with him on a T43p, I figured it was the least I could do 🙂
Steve has enjoyed a competitive advantage — being the only person with this shape for many months — but now his patent has run out and I’m sharing it with you!
Download “USB Stick Visio Network Shape” s!Aj0wJuswNyXlhjNjHeiqdd7GIFZA – Downloaded 1776022 times – 103.00 B
hi. nice usb picture.
mind if i use it for a publication reference picture?
Hi Doug,
No prob using the USB shape. Let us know what you do with it, we’d be happy to hear about it!
– Chris
Cool, but how do you create a new shape without all the connection points showing up by default?
When I create a shape with a number of rectangles and circles, I end up with a messy looking shape with all those “connection points”
Hi Rajiv,
You can just turn off the connection points under the View menu, then you don’t have to delete them.
Also, you can remove the connection points using the Connection Point Tool, which is underneath the connecter toolbar button. When you select a connection point, it will turn red, then you can delete it.
You should probably copy the master to a new stencil, and edit the shape inside of the master when you do these changes, so that you don’t have to change every single shape.
– Chris
Hi Visio Guy
Thanks for the use of the USB stick. I wanted to show data being manually moved form one machine to another and this fitted the bill perfectly.
Much appreciated.
Glad to help, Glix!